today morning I tried opening my eyes 'cause my mom was waking me up, & as I tried to open it, it wouldn't open -o- like it was stuck together, literally.. I thought nothing was wrong, so I just rubbed it really hard & it was like crusty, HAHAHA. I was like ew, I must've had lots of hard eyeboogers & so I go to my bathroom to get ready for school. Oh yeah, I woke up early for school today, too, super rare -_- So I was trynna get ready & I look in the mirror & my right eye bloodshot red, lame. it's annoying, feels swollen, & it keeps tearing up. therefore I did not go to school when for once I really wanted to go. hmph, I hope I don't have pink eye ):<

*it's even redder when I look up T-T
hello ms fishie or sharkie :o
omg pink eyeee T_T
hope you get better<3
im happy if youre happy :)
ewwwww :(
feel betterrrrr!
hahaha~ but hey
what happened to your eye?
was it like that when you woke up?
i thought you were faded :O
but that would not be right would it.
hope it gets better :)
This might sound gross but, it might be that your eye was oozing pus. It happened a lot to my friend. <__<
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