so basically I didn't go to school from Wednesday, but I shall go tomorrow. I must say it's real boring at home, there's not much to do except play with my extremely cute babey. She's 18 months old & she's always hungry. I hear a lot that she looks like me, but I'm probably much cuter, HAHA, kidding :)
hmm, there's not much to talk about today, because I didn't even do anything. Oh yeah, my school had early out today & I didn't even go, how gay. hmm, this is totally like xanga -_-
Maybe I should talk about my Saturday, HAHA. So Saturday, I freaking woke up to bajillion texts, I always wanted to be waked up like that, but not anymore, shit -_- I woke up at like 9 answered the texts from Chiko, Michael, Matthew, & Mina. Oh yeah, Mina came down :) I got ready & such & she came to my house at 12. Then we went to Wilshire & Vermont & met up with Chiko, Frank & Ryan. Then we waited for liek 10 minutes & here comes Arnold, Michael, Chris, Sam, & Mihyun. Then yeeeah ;) Then we took the subway, OOOO there was this part where there was like a shitload of videos or some shit playing at once, that was trippy, made my head hurt & made me naseous, however you spell it. & this fat man was patting Frank & Ryan & talking to them & they got angry, AHAHAH. Then we waited for liek fucken an hour to get on the bus to Granada. We walked a gaaaaang to some " dead end " Then at 5 we went to Chiko's. Yeah, it was pretty fun at his house for some reason *cough TEHEHEHE. Took cab home at like 9 ? Went to CVS, got hairdye. & yes, it sounds pretty boring that day, but hey, if you were in my position it was pretty damn fun :D
I probably wasted your time by you reading this, but it's okay, you had nothing else to do anyway, HAHAHA.
Next time maybe it'd be more interesting. TATA :)