Sunday, December 20, 2009


everything about change makes me so irritated. when we WANT to change, it's so hard. it's hard because we have to let go of all our old habits & start making better ones. forcing yourself to change is hard work, but in the end it might be all worth it. sometimes when you DON'T even want to change, you just do. you don't even realize it until people tell you. & then you start looking back to how you USED to be & you're like " fuck I was a better person " unless you changed for the better, that would be a good thing. & why is it that the people you wish didn't change; change & the people you wish did change, don't.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

dear santa

Kissmas is almost here, finally ! I hate counting down for kissmas, it feels like forever. I would like 3 things this year. A new laptop, $$$, & lots of clothes. I wish you can make a kissmas list on things that are not tangible, & it comes to you when you want it or when you can BUY it. too bad life doesn't work that way. but anyway ! on New Years, I'm going to try & accomplish my goal of something. It may be real hard for me, but whatever, it's worth a try. This isn't middle school anymore, I need to become a better person. :D

*& to you; Miss I Think I Know Everything. Please stop talking about me. You've never been put into my shoes, & when you do, then fine, say something. Nobody forces you to be friends with someone you don't like, so why talk as if I have to be friends with someone that I don't want to be friends with ? I just tell it how it is & sometimes I shouldn't, but I don't want to keep lieing to someone & act as if everything's okay. & everyone has their own personal reasons. I'm trying to get over it & be nice, but people like you annoy the shit out of me. Instigating the situation & acting as if they know everything. *sigh.